Rick Blacklaws - Blackwater Project

During the summer of 1979 archaeologist, Rick Blacklaws mapped and compiled an inventory of historic and archaeological sites along the Alexander Mackenzie Grease Trail (now known as the Nuxsalk- Carrier Grease Trail).  A second season of work in 1980 focused on collecting oral histories.  These 180+ photographs, taken by Rick Blacklaws, document the people, lifeways and landscape of the Blackwater region between Baezaeko and Ulgatcho. Most of the people depicted are members of the Lhoosk’uz Dene.  Identification of subjects is based on Rick’s file names,  Carol Blacklaws’ book, In the Footsteps of Alexander Mackenzie (2015)  with further assistance from Gayleen Chantyman of Lhoosk’us Dene. Select image for full view.