Research Fees & Services

All material must be used in the archives. Researchers must agree to adhere to the Rules of the Archives before he/she/they will be provided with access to the material.

Research in Person

Researchers  must make an appointment in advance to access the archives.  There is no charge for self-directed research (accessing finding aids and digitized material).  Staff may assist to identify suitable archival materials and must access and refile materials. Their help may also be needed to obtain copies.  There is a charge of $15 per visit for staff assisted research.   Additional fees are charged for reproducing materials. 

External Researchers

We welcome research inquiries received by telephone or email.  We will not charge to quickly answer a question or to confirm whether we have materials which could assisted with your research project.  (20 minutes to half an hour ). 

Researchers  who are unable to visit in person can commission research at $35/ hour.  External researchers must pay in advance by cheque or by Visa or Mastercard. We recommend that researchers initially approve an hour or two of research time, which will allow us to survey the collection, advise what material is available and estimate costs to copy material.   We can be most effective if you clearly define your research objectives and priorities in advance.  Research time will be prorated to the nearest 1/4 hour.  Additional fees are charged  to reproduce and mail materials.   

Research Requests

Fill out the form below with as much information as possible. This will help staff process your request in a timely manner.

Please tell us in detail the information that you are seeking and the nature of your project.

The archives has a small staff. We will do our best to respond within a reasonable time frame.